Q. | Where is Wealth Step By Step located? |
A. | Wealth Step By Step is located in West Valley, Utah. |
Q. | When did Wealth Step By Step start? |
A. | The business started on February 19, 2021. |
Q. | I am concerned that Wealth Step By Step will disclose my name, email and address to parties that I do not wish to receive communication from? |
A. | Under no circumstances will Wealth Step By Step sell your contact information to a third party. |
Q. | How often does Wealth Step By Step pay commissions? |
A. | Wealth Step By Step pays commissions to its sales representatives by the 10th of the month for the previous month. |
Q. | How do I get paid in Wealth Step By Step? |
A. | You can get paid via Cash App, Zelle, Wise.com or Bitcoin Cash. |
Q. | Are there weekly conference calls? |
A. | Yes, but we are currently moving the conference calls to Zoom and more details will be provided soon. You can listen to a few recorded conference calls here or here. |
Q. | What forms of payment can I use to signup? |
A. | Mastercard, Visa or a debit card with the MC/Visa logo on it. |
Q. | What are your Polices and Procedures? |
A. | You can read our P&P by clicking here. |
Q. | Can I cancel at anytime? |
A. | Yes, you can cancel by sending an email to wealthstepbystep@gmail.com. |
Q. | Why should I get involved in network marketing and develop a residual income? |
A. | A US News article titled, The New Ideal Retirement Age: 67, states, "The age the typical worker expects to retire is no longer 65. For the first time this year, Americans expect to retire at an average age of 67, up from 66 in 2011, according to a recent Gallup poll of 1,016 adults. The average expected retirement age has been gradually increasing over the past seventeen years from age 60 in 1995 to 64 in 2005."
https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/planning-to-retire/2012/05/08/the-new-ideal-retirement-age-67 |